What is AR or ANTI-REFLECTION Tempered Glass screen protector?
The ANTI-REFLECTION Glass Protector for smartphones is a state-of-the-art cover that expertly blends cutting-edge functionality with useful technology. This cutting-edge device has anti-reflection properties in addition to strong protection against scratches and impacts, assuring consumers a clear and engaging augmented reality experience.
All smartphone users have faced the problem of the glaring screen while using their smartphones outdoors. This glare can lead to eye and visual fatigue due to strong light reflection from the screen. So, how we can get rid of this glaring problem?
Let’s understand glare
We take a certain amount of time to look at any object to understand its shape, size, color, and position of it and decide our next act. During this time one visual phenomenon that causes discomfort or reduces the ability to observe details and objects due to inappropriate distribution of brightness or brightness range, or extreme brightness contrast, is collectively known as glare.
Glare can cause irritation and tension to human eyes which in turn produce visual fatigue, irritability, and visual boredom.
Why does glare occur?
Glare mainly occurs in our daily life due to the reflection of sunlight on various surfaces. Electromagnetic waves have wave-particle duality property in which, the vibration direction of sunlight is perpendicular to the propagation direction. These vibrations are getting deflected in all directions to form various polarization.
If a light wave hits a smooth surface?
When light hits a smooth surface, it gets reflected. If the electromagnetic waves of the light experience a higher vibration rate which intensified the reflected surface that’s when glare occurs.
These sparkling and over shining glares will cause a series of problems as said earlier: Moreover, the white reflection covers the color of the object, making us unable to see the original appearance of the object; the high-brightness reflection will cause overall discomfort for our eyes.
Effective measures to avoid glare and not get affected by it?
Polarizing Film
Polarizing film offers a wonderful solution to this as it has a dichroic transparent film, which allows light in the direction parallel to the transmission axis to pass through, and at the same time, light perpendicular to this direction is absorbed. This process is called the polarization of light. Absorption of light occurs because light travels and falls in a perpendicular fashion to the transmission axis of the polarizing film after reflection. This film is effectively eliminating strong reflected light as well as scattered light thus making the light soft, and views to the human eyes come as clear and natural.
AR tempered glass screen protector principle
Every time light travels from light-sparse material to light-dense material, the reflected light will lose its half-wave. Due to this loss and the optical path difference between the reflected light on the rear surface of the AR film on the glass as well as the reflected light on the front surface of the film become exactly half a wavelength. The entire process has the same effect on the front and back of the film So, the reflected light from the two surfaces cancels each other out. Once it cancels each other out it is equivalent to increasing the energy of the transmitted light as well as to the reduction of the reflection effect on both sides of the glass. The usability of coating both sides of the glass at the same time results in perfect performance.